Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

Electrical Engineering Honor Society

Michigan Technological University


Michigan Tech Beta Gamma Chapter

Adopted by the Beta Gamma Chapter, February 14, 1948

Revised by the Beta Gamma Chapter, March 23, 2016

Beta Gamma Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu

Chapter Operations Manual


Established: February 14, 1948


ARTICLE 1: Chapter Charter

Section 1: The name of this Chapter is the Beta Gamma Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu.


Section 2: This Chapter is located at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan.


ARTICLE 2: Chapter Operations Manual

Section 1: This Chapter Operations Manual shall be the official governing document of Beta Gamma Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu. This Operations Manual is subordinate to the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual, the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Process Manual, and future changes in those documents. The most recent version of these documents are available electronically from the IEEE-HKN web site http://www.hkn.org.


Section 2: The original Chapter Operations Manual must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of all active student Chapter charter members, any required university organizations, and the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors.


Section 3: Amendments to this Chapter Operations Manual must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of all active student Chapter charter members, any required university organizations, and the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors.


Section 4: Amendments will take effect when approved by Student Activities.


Section 5: Amendments will be proposed and voted on (if necessary) at the final meeting of each year.


ARTICLE 3: Chapter Objectives

Section 1: To uphold the purposes and ideals of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu as set forth in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual.


Section 2: To promote and encourage excellence in electrical and computer engineering and IEEE-designated fields of interest for the betterment of fellow students, the university, and the public at large.


Section 3: To foster a spirit of respect and cooperation with the faculty of the University.


Section 4: To cooperate with and support the activities of the local IEEE student branch.


Section 5: To cooperate with the other honor societies on the campus.


Section 6: To cooperate with other Chapters of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu.


ARTICLE 4: Chapter Emblem, Colors, Insignia, and Publication

Section 1: The official emblem, colors, insignia, and publication of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu are detailed in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual.


ARTICLE 5: Chapter Office, Records, and Trustees

Section 1: The records of the Beta Gama Chapter, including Chapter correspondence, membership signature book, financial records, checkbooks, Chapter meeting minutes and other records deemed important, shall be located on Michigan Technological University’s campus in a location determined by the current Executive Committee.


Section 2: A Faculty Advisor shall serve as a liaison between the Chapter and the university. The requirements and responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor are detailed in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual.


Section 3: A Trustees Committee shall be appointed by the school official who signed the Chapter petition. The Trustees Committee shall be chaired by the Faculty Advisor. Should the Chapter become inactive, the trustee committee shall:

  1. Be custodian of all funds, records, and paraphernalia of the Chapter.
  2. Have full power to act and vote for the Chapter during the period of inactivity exactly as if the Chapter was in active participation.
  3. Have full power, with the approval of the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Executive Director, to reorganize and reactivate the Chapter when it deems the time is appropriate.


ARTICLE 6: Eligibility and Qualification

Section 1: Undergraduate students, graduate students, and meritorious professionals such as faculty or distinguished alumni are eligible for induction IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu. The requirements for induction are detailed in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual.


Section 2: Detailed Qualifications of Undergraduate Student Candidates:

Undergraduate candidates shall be selected from those students in the educational institution where the Chapter resides who are pursuing courses leading to a first professional degree in an IEEE-designated field of interest (typically Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering, and in some areas Master of Science or Master of Engineering).

(1) Students who have completed at least one-third of the degree requirements and who have a cumulative scholastic rank in the upper fifth of their class may be elected.

(2) Students who have completed one-half of the degree requirements and who have a cumulative scholastic rank in the upper quarter of their class may be elected.

(3) Students who have completed three-fourths of their degree requirements and have a cumulative scholastic rank in the upper third of their class may be elected.

An IEEE-HKN School Chapter or an IEEE-HKN School Chapter in formation may request the IEEE-HKN-BOG to substitute alternate criteria for the ones outlined above in (1) to (3) if such alternate criteria are in better agreement with the regulations and traditions of the institution wherein the IEEE-HKN School Chapter operates.


Section 3: Detailed Qualifications of Graduate Student Candidates:

Graduate student candidates shall have graduated with a first professional degree from a school of recognized standing approved by the IEEE-HKN-BOG and shall possess substantially the same scholastic and other qualifications required for undergraduate candidates.

Graduate student candidates must be working toward an advanced degree in one of the IEEE-designated fields of interest.

Graduate students may be nominated to membership by any member of IEEE-HKN, provided said students have completed the equivalent of one-half of one academic year of full time study in the school wherein the School Chapter or Branch of Eta Chapter, into which the graduate student is proposed to be inducted, operates.

Nomination of a graduate student to membership in IEEE-HKN shall require endorsement by the Head of the academic department wherein this student conducts the majority of his or her studies.


Section 4: Detailed Qualifications of Non-Student Candidates:

In order for a non-student to be eligible for induction by an active School Chapter, the faculty advisor of the nominating School Chapter and the Head of the relevant academic department shall give their approvals. The approvals shall state explicitly that the candidate has done meritorious work in an area that falls within one of the IEEE-designated fields of interest, and shall include a short description of that work.

An invitation to membership shall be valid only for the specified school term or semester in which it is offered. If an invitation is not accepted, the inviting Chapter may tender a new invitation for a subsequent school term or semester.


Section 5: In compliance with Michigan Technological University’s Board of Control Equal Opportunity Policy effective February 24, 2011, the Association will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information or marital status. In addition, the organization is committed to the policy of not discriminating against disabled individuals or veterans.


ARTICLE 7: Induction

Section 1: Eligible candidates shall be invited to attend an orientation reception. The purpose of the reception is to acquaint the prospective candidates with IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu, requirements for membership, and the current members with the prospective members.


Section 2: Eligible students shall be elevated to pledging candidates on the basis of the following three considerations:

  1. Compliance with the eligibility requirements in Article 6.
  2. Extra-curricular activities and/or outside work.
  3. Personality and character, without regard to sex, race, religion, political belief, or other legally protected status.


Section 3: Candidates shall be notified of their eligibility for membership individually, by postal or electronic mail. All letters shall be mailed simultaneously.


Section 4: All who accept the invitation to membership shall be notified of the induction date, time, place, dress code, and procedures for the induction.


Section 5: Names and contact information for all candidates to be inducted shall be sent to IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu headquarters a minimum of three weeks prior to the induction date to enable membership certificates to be prepared for the initiation ceremony.


Section 6: The formal induction shall proceed according to the Induction Ritual shown on the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu website. To be inducted into IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu, an inductee MUST attend an induction ceremony. IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu headquarters must be notified of inductees whose fees and information have been paid and recorded but who fail to attend the induction ceremony.


ARTICLE 8: Chapter Officers

Section 1: Chapter officers shall be elected once every year. All newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the last Chapter meeting for the semester, or year. All outgoing officers shall transfer their files and explain the duties of the office to the incoming officers at or before the last meeting of the semester, or year.


Section 2: Elections are to be held to allow sufficient time to ensure a smooth transition of officers.


Section 3: The required officers and their duties are detailed in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual. The results of the election should be reported in the Notice of Election of Officers form available through the IEEE-HKN website.

Section 4: Any vacancy in the Chapter offices shall be filled at the first regular meeting after the vacancy occurs or, when possible, before the vacancy occurs.


ARTICLE 9: Faculty Advisor(s)

Section 1: A Faculty Advisor shall serve as a liaison between the Chapter and the university. The requirements and responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor are detailed in the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual.


Section 2:

The name of the desired advisor is forwarded to Student Activities for approval.


ARTICLE 10: Executive Committee

Section 1: The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Web Master.


Section 2: The executive committee shall have the power to make decisions affecting the day-to-day operation of the Chapter between regularly scheduled Chapter meetings.


Section 3: The executive committee shall serve as a planning committee for activities throughout the semester and shall propose the initial agendas for the regular or special Chapter meetings.


Section 4: A quorum for transaction of business at an executive committee meeting shall be a majority of the executive committee.


Section 5: The Faculty Advisor(s) must be invited to all executive committee meetings, but is not required to attend.


Section 6: The executive committee shall be authorized to make expenditures of $100 or less for goods and services necessary for the operation of the Chapter without a vote of the entire active membership.


Section 7: Decisions of the executive committee may be overturned by a majority vote of the active members of the Chapter.


ARTICLE 11: Committees

Section 1: The Chapter president may appoint committees as he or she deems necessary with the approval of the executive committee, or as deemed necessary, by the Chapter.


Section 2: Committee membership shall be on a volunteer basis by each Chapter member.


Section 3: The president may also appoint individuals to serve on any committee. Committee chairs shall:

  • Be elected by the Chapter members
  • OR be appointed by the Chapter president
  • OR be elected by committee members.


ARTICLE 12: Chapter Meetings

Section 1: A quorum for the legal transaction of Chapter business shall consist of at least 50% of the active members of the Chapter. Student members pursuing a cooperative program or those who are off the campus on an industrial assignment at the time of a meeting shall not be counted in the total membership for the purpose of determining a quorum.


An active member is defined as a member that:

  • From initiation forward does not have more than 2 unexcused absences each semester.
  • Excused absences can be arranged with the president or recording secretary
  • Perform a minimum of 3 hours of volunteering each semester


Member activity is judged on a semester to semester basis. Active membership may resume the following semester so long as the aforementioned criteria are met and notice is provided to the executive committee within the first 2(subject to change) weeks of the semester.


Section 2: A minimum of 5 regular meetings shall be held each semester according to a schedule published at the beginning of the semester.


Section 3: The Chapter president may call a special meeting at any time and shall be required to call a special meeting within two weeks upon request of five active members or the Faculty Advisor.


Section 4: The rules governing this organization for conducting business shall be, in order of precedence:

  1. The IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Operations Manual
  2. The IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Process Manual
  3. This Operations Manual


Section 5: Except as provided in this Operations Manual, all questions of order shall be decided by the Executive Committee.


Section 6: The recommended order of a general business meeting shall be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
  3. Officer Reports
  4. Committee Reports
  5. Old Unfinished Business
  6. New Business
  7. Election of Officers (if on agenda)
  8. Appointment of Committees (if needed)
  9. Special Papers and Presentations
  10. Announcements, Discussion
  11. Adjournment


ARTICLE 13: Dues, Fees, and Assessments

Section 1: The induction fee shall be determined by the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors and reported by IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Headquarters.


Section 2: A local induction fee may be accessed by the Chapter. This fee shall be equal to the local fee during the previous semester, unless the Chapter has voted for a change in fees.


ARTICLE 14: Chapter Funds

Section 1: There shall be a General Fund consisting of local Chapter dues, fees, assessments, bank interest, and proceeds collected from other Chapter activities. The general fund shall be used to pay all operating expenses of the Chapter.


Section 2: Chapter Accounts should be open/created at any Nationalized Bank on the name of your Student Chapter. Your bank account should be an interest bearing requiring two signatures, 1. Faculty Advisor 2. Treasurer/Chair (the Faculty Advisor should always be one of those signatures.)


Section 3: Monies shall be deposited in an account approved by the university and the officers of the Chapter.

Section 4: The name on the account shall be the Michigan Technological University Beta Gamma Chapter of IEEE-Eta Kappa

Section 5: The Treasurer shall establish and administer the General Fund and all accounts. The Treasurer shall have the authority to open accounts and to deposit funds.


Section 6: Multiple accounts may be opened to separate funds from various Chapter programs.


Section 7: Disbursements from any Chapter account shall be approved by the Chapter members or may be approved by the executive committee if under $1,000. All disbursements require at least two signatures.

Section 8: The treasurer shall prepare a financial report for each regular meeting of the Chapter. The financial report shall include current balances, reports of deposits and expenditures since the last meeting, and an estimate of upcoming deposits and expenditures. The treasurer shall keep books open to inspection by any member of the Chapter during a regularly scheduled meeting.


Section 9: The newly elected treasurer and one other member appointed by the president shall perform an audit of the treasurer’s books at the end of the treasurer’s term.


Section 10: The fiscal year for reporting revenue and expenses shall be 1 July through 30 June.






The above Chapter Operations Manual was approved by the members of Beta Gamma Chapter at a regular business meeting held on Wednesday September 14th 2016, with 17 members present and was approved by a vote of 17 in favor and 0 opposed. This Operations Manual shall become effective on January 1st 2017.


Certified by:



Approval by the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Board of Governors and Executive Director:


____________________________ ________________

President Date

____________________________ ________________

Vice President Date


____________________________ ________________

Past President Date


____________________________ ________________

Executive Director Date